PN Junction Lab

This tool enables users to explore and teach the basic concepts of P-N junction devices.

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Version 1.9.2 - published on 23 Jul 2014

doi:10.4231/D3GH9B95N cite this

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2732 how to extract spice parameters
Asked by Sama Ashraf Open 0
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2312 How to observe reverse bias graph? I can only see forward bias.
Asked by Jaeeun Kim Open 0
2295 Why does the electric field never change its sign?
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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2272 Why does the current increase when the doping increases?
Asked by Anonymous Open 0
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2024 What is P type node
Asked by Qazi Zarif UL Islam Open 0
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1964 what is the cross sectional area of the pn-junction in the tool
Asked by Mrinal Rao Open 1
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1859 Receiving this "No compatible viewer was found or rendered successfully" after launching tool. what software do i need to addon to launch this tool.
Asked by monika tyagi Open 0
1516 I V characteristic ?
Asked by Waseem Raja Open 0
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1336 Two functions in graphs?
Asked by Anonymous Open 1
814 pn junction I-V curve
Asked by Yuzhou Ding Open 1
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812 Bias voltage parameter doesn’t work?
Asked by John Sidles Open 1
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772 Could you list the values of the material parameters you are using (GaAs, Si….)
Asked by Chaffra Affouda Open 1
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664 Useful for very high doping reverse bias conditions?
Asked by Philip David Flammer Open 1
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32 PN Junction Lab – 100 Warnings
Asked by Anonymous Closed 1