NCN Nanoelectronics: Simulation Tools for Education



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Please find an updated list of nanoelectronic related simulation tools and resources at the Nanoelectronics Education Group.

Many simulation tools are available on the nanoHUB. The tools have been well-tested and here include supporting materials so that they can be effectively used for education or intelligently used for research. The educational tools include example a first time users guide and example homework assignments.

For an in depth presentation of educational tools see: Semiconductor Device Education Material.

For a list of recommended research tools see: Simulation Tools for Research.

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  • (2007), "NCN Nanoelectronics: Simulation Tools for Education,"

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In This Series

  1. MolCToy

    Tools | 08 Jun 2005 | Contributor(s): Magnus Paulsson, Ferdows Zahid, Supriyo Datta, Michael McLennan | 1552 users

    Computes current-voltage (I-V) characteristics and conductance spectrum (G-V) of a molecule sandwiched between two metallic contacts

  2. PN Junction Lab

    Tools | 12 Sep 2005 | Contributor(s): Dragica Vasileska, Matteo Mannino, Michael McLennan, Xufeng Wang, Gerhard Klimeck, Saumitra Raj Mehrotra, Benjamin P Haley | 23694 users

    This tool enables users to explore and teach the basic concepts of P-N junction devices.

  3. Quantum Dot Lab

    Tools | 12 Nov 2005 | Contributor(s): Prasad Sarangapani, James Fonseca, Daniel F Mejia, James Charles, Woody Gilbertson, Tarek Ahmed Ameen, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Andrew Roché, Lars Bjaalie, Sebastian Steiger, David Ebert, Matteo Mannino, Hong-Hyun Park, Tillmann Christoph Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, Michael McLennan, Gerhard Klimeck | 9984 users

    Compute the eigenstates of a particle in a box of various shapes including domes, pyramids and multilayer structures.

  4. Padre

    Tools | 12 Jan 2006 | Contributor(s): Mark R. Pinto, kent smith, Muhammad A. Alam, Steven Clark, Xufeng Wang, Gerhard Klimeck, Dragica Vasileska | 4593 users

    2D/3D devices under steady state, transient conditions or AC small-signal analysis

  5. FETToy

    Tools | 14 Feb 2006 | Contributor(s): Anisur Rahman, Jing Wang, Jing Guo, Md. Sayed Hasan, Yang Liu, Akira Matsudaira, Shaikh S. Ahmed, Supriyo Datta, Mark Lundstrom | 6572 users

    Calculate the ballistic I-V characteristics for conventional MOSFETs, Nanowire MOSFETs and Carbon NanoTube MOSFETs

  6. NanoFET

    Tools | 13 Mar 2006 | Contributor(s): M. P. Anantram, Shaikh S. Ahmed, alexei svizhenko, Derrick Kearney, Gerhard Klimeck | 1746 users

    Simulates ballistic transport in 2D MOSFET devices

  7. MOSFet

    Tools | 30 Mar 2006 | Contributor(s): Shaikh S. Ahmed, Saumitra Raj Mehrotra, SungGeun Kim, Matteo Mannino, Gerhard Klimeck, Dragica Vasileska, Xufeng Wang, Himadri Pal, Gloria Wahyu Budiman | 13461 users

    Simulates the current-voltage characteristics for bulk, SOI, and double-gate Field Effect Transistors (FETs)

  8. MOSCap

    Tools | 06 Apr 2006 | Contributor(s): Akira Matsudaira, Saumitra Raj Mehrotra, Shaikh S. Ahmed, Gerhard Klimeck, Dragica Vasileska | 10101 users

    Capacitance of a MOS device

  9. Band Structure Lab

    Tools | 19 May 2006 | Contributor(s): Samik Mukherjee, Kai Miao, Abhijeet Paul, Neophytos Neophytou, Raseong Kim, Junzhe Geng, Michael Povolotskyi, Tillmann Christoph Kubis, Arvind Ajoy, Bozidar Novakovic, James Fonseca, Hesameddin Ilatikhameneh, Sebastian Steiger, Michael McLennan, Mark Lundstrom, Gerhard Klimeck | 11809 users

    Computes the electronic and phonon structure of various materials in the spatial configuration of bulk , quantum wells, and wires

  10. CNTbands

    Tools | 14 Dec 2006 | Contributor(s): Gyungseon Seol, Youngki Yoon, James K Fodor, Jing Guo, Akira Matsudaira, Diego Kienle, Gengchiau Liang, Gerhard Klimeck, Mark Lundstrom, Ahmed Ibrahim Saeed | 9474 users

    This tool simulates E-k and DOS of CNTs and graphene nanoribbons.

  11. StrainBands

    Tools | 15 Jun 2007 | Contributor(s): Joe Ringgenberg, Joydeep Bhattacharjee, Jeffrey B. Neaton, Jeffrey C Grossman, Eric Schwegler | 1140 users

    Explore the influence of strain on first-principles bandstructures of semiconductors.

  12. Crystal Viewer Tool

    Tools | 22 Dec 2007 | Contributor(s): Yuanchen Chu, Daniel F Mejia, Fan Chen, James Fonseca, Michael Povolotskyi, Gerhard Klimeck | 18354 users

    Visualize different crystal lattices and planes

  13. Carrier Statistics Lab

    Tools | 08 Jan 2008 | Contributor(s): Saumitra Raj Mehrotra, Abhijeet Paul, Gerhard Klimeck | 4658 users

    Calculate the electron & hole density in semiconductors

  14. Periodic Potential Lab

    Tools | 19 Jan 2008 | Contributor(s): Abhijeet Paul, Junzhe Geng, Gerhard Klimeck | 4493 users

    Solve the time independent schrodinger eqn. for arbitrary periodic potentials

  15. Drift-Diffusion Lab

    Tools | 22 Jan 2008 | Contributor(s): Saumitra Raj Mehrotra, Abhijeet Paul, Gerhard Klimeck, Gloria Wahyu Budiman | 6219 users

    Simulate single semiconductor characteristics

  16. BJT Lab

    Tools | 06 Feb 2008 | Contributor(s): Saumitra Raj Mehrotra, Abhijeet Paul, Gerhard Klimeck, Dragica Vasileska, Gloria Wahyu Budiman | 5785 users

    This tool simulates a Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) using a 2D mesh. Powered by PADRE.