
By Dragica Vasileska1; Shaikh S. Ahmed2; Matteo Mannino3; Gerhard Klimeck3; Gokula Kannan1; Mark Lundstrom3; Akira Matsudaira4; Junzhe Geng3

1. Arizona State University 2. Southern Illinois University Carbondale 3. Purdue University 4. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

SCHRED simulation software calculates the envelope wavefunctions and the corresponding bound-state energies in a typical MOS, SOS and a typical SOI structure.

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Archive Version 2.51
Published on 01 Jul 2013
Latest version: 2.56. All versions

doi:10.4231/D3BN9X32P cite this

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Schred calculates the envelope wavefunctions and the corresponding bound-state energies in a typical MOS (Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) or SOS (Semiconductor-Oxide-Semiconductor) structure and a typical SOI (semiconductor-Oxide_Insulator) structure by solving self-consistently the one-dimensional (1D) Poisson equation and the 1D Schrodinger equation. To better understand the operation of SCHRED tool and the physics of MOS capacitors please refer to:
  • MOS Capacitors Operation Description
  • How Quantum-Mechanical Space-Quantization is Implemented in SCHRED, Drift-Diffusion (SILVACO ATLAS) and Particle-Based Device Simulators (Quamc2D)
  • SCHRED - Exercise 1
  • SCHRED - Exercise 2
  • SCHRED - Exercise 3
  • The source code of Schred has been attached as a file name "" and can be found under the Supporting Documents tab.


    Gokula Kannan, Dragica Vasileska, “Schred V2.0 - Tool to model MOS Capacitors”, 14th International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE), pp.1-4, Dec. 2010

    Cite this work

    Researchers should cite this work as follows:

    • D. Vasileska, D. K. Schroder and D.K. Ferry, “Scaled silicon MOSFET’s: Part II - Degradation of the total gate capacitance”, IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 44, 584-7 (1997).

    • Dragica Vasileska, Shaikh S. Ahmed, Matteo Mannino, Gerhard Klimeck, Gokula Kannan, Mark Lundstrom, Akira Matsudaira, Junzhe Geng (2022), "Schred," (DOI: 10.4231/D3BN9X32P).

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