Shaikh Shahid Ahmed is currently working as a Full Professor with the School of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, USA. Dr. Ahmed has published over 80 articles in refereed journals and proceedings, authored six book chapters, and contributed to more than 90 technical presentations. He has authored/coauthored 12 nanoelectronics software tools (nanoFET, CNTFET, QuaMC 2D, Schred, nanoMOS, FETtoy, MOSFET, MOScap, QPC, nanoSSL, multiscaleTEC, and MCPT), access to which are freely available on NSF’s As of December 14, 2019, these simulators have served over 20640 individual users worldwide, running more than 880,000 simulations. His research interests include computational nanoelectronics and involves multiscale modeling of electronic structure and carrier transport in nanoscale devices, including novel transistors, semiconducting 2-D structures and nanowires, quantum dots and nanocrystals, solid-state lighting sources and their reliability, nanoscale thermoelectric and piezoelectric energy-harvesting devices, and nanoelectronic devices for applications in harsh environments. He has supervised and graduated 12 PhD and 10 MS students.
Dr. Ahmed is a senior member of the IEEE, a member of the American Physical Society and the HKN Honor Society. He was a recipient of the 2009 Oak Ridge National Lab/ORAU High-Performance Computing Award, the 2016 Air Force Research Lab Summer Faculty Fellowship, the 2013 Dean Juh Wah Chen Outstanding Faculty Award from SIU College of Engineering, and the 2014 ECE Department Outstanding Teacher Award. He was the Principal Investigator of the NSF funded Southern Illinois High Performance Computing Research Infrastructure (SIHPCI).