ECE 656: Electronic Transport in Semiconductors (Fall 2011)

By Mark Lundstrom

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN


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Fall 2011

This course is about how charge flows in semiconductors with an emphasis on transport in nanoscale devices. The objective is to develop a broad understanding of basic concepts. The course is designed for those who work on electronic materials and devices – whether they are experimentalists, device physicists, or computational experts. The course is intended to be accessible to students with a general, introductory background in semiconductors, such as that obtained by taking ECE 495N: Fundamentals of Nanoelectronics and ECE-606: Solid State Physics at Purdue University. An appreciation of some basic concepts in solid-state physics (e.g. energy bands, phonons, etc.) and elementary quantum mechanics is helpful.

After a quick review of some fundamentals, the course consists of three main parts. Part 1 focuses on near-equilibrium transport in the presence of small gradients in the electrochemical potential or temperature, with or without the application of a small magnetic field. The emphasis in Part 2 is on the physics of carrier scattering and how the microscopic scattering processes are related to macroscopic relaxation times and mean-free-paths. Part 3 examines high-field transport in bulk semiconductors and so-called “non-local” transport in nanoscale devices. Both semiclassical and quantum transport effects are discussed.


An earlier teaching of this course is available: ECE 656: Electronic Transport in Semiconductors (Fall 2009).

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Mark Lundstrom (2011), "ECE 656: Electronic Transport in Semiconductors (Fall 2011),"

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ECE 115, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN


Lecture Number/Topic Online Lecture Video Lecture Notes Supplemental Material Suggested Exercises
ECE 656 Lecture 1: Introduction to Carrier Transport View HTML
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ECE 656 Lecture 2: Sums in k-Space/Integrals in Energy Space View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 3: Density of States View HTML
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ECE 656 Lecture 4: General Model for Transport View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 5: Modes and Transmission View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 6: Near-Equilibrium Transport in the Bulk View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 7: Resistance - Ballistic to Diffusive View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 8: More about Resistance View HTML
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ECE 656 Lecture 9: Thermoelectric Effects - Charge Flow View HTML
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ECE 656 Lecture 10: Thermoelectric Effects - (Electronic) Heat Flow View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 11: Coupled Current Equations and Thermoelectric Devices View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 12: Scattering and Transmission View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 13: Phonon Transport View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 14: The Boltzmann Transport Equation View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 15: The BTE - Transport Coefficients View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 16: The BTE - with B-Fields View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 17: Near-Equilibrium Measurements I View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 18: Near-Equilibrium Measurements II View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 19: Scattering I - Collision Integral View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 20: Scattering II - Relaxation time approximation View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 21: Scattering and Fermi’s Golden Rule View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 22: Ionized Impurity Scattering I View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 23: Ionized Impurity Scattering II View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 24: Phonon Scattering I View this Lecture
ECE 656 Lecture 25: Phonon Scattering II View HTML
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ECE 656 Lecture 26: Phonon Scattering III View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 27: Scattering in 1D, 2D and 3D View HTML
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ECE 656 Lecture 28: Scattering of Bloch Electrons Lecture to Watch
ECE 656 Lecture 29: The BTE Revisited - Equilibrium and Ballistic View Flash View Notes (pdf)
ECE 656 Lecture 30: Balance Equation Approach I View this Lecture
ECE 656 Lecture 31: Balance Equation Approach II View HTML
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ECE 656 Lecture 32: Balance Equation Approach III View HTML
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ECE 656 Lecture 33: Heterostructures View HTML
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ECE 656 Lecture 34a: Monte Carlo Simulation I View HTML
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ECE 656 Lecture 34b: Monte Carlo Simulation II View HTML
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ECE 656 Lecture 35: Introduction to Quantum Transport in Devices View HTML
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ECE 656 Lecture 36: High-field Transport View HTML
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ECE 656 Lecture 37: Non-Local Transport View this Lecture
ECE 656 Lecture 39: Ballistic Transport in Devices I View HTML
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ECE 656 Lecture 40: Ballistic Transport in Devices II View this Lecture
Hydrogen Car Demo and Explaination View
ECE 656 Lecture 41: Transport in a Nutshell View HTML
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