By Shaikh S. Ahmed1; Saumitra Raj Mehrotra2; SungGeun Kim2; Matteo Mannino2; Gerhard Klimeck2; Dragica Vasileska3; Xufeng Wang2; Himadri Pal2; Gloria Wahyu Budiman2

1. Southern Illinois University Carbondale 2. Purdue University 3. Arizona State University

Simulates the current-voltage characteristics for bulk, SOI, and double-gate Field Effect Transistors (FETs)

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Version 1.9.1 - published on 06 Dec 2017

doi:10.4231/D34T6F54G cite this

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2709 what does electric field at initial bias na d electric field at final bias mean ?
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482 Can I save the results of a MOSFET run and come back later to reuse and continue the study?
Asked by Richard Kiehl Open 1
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481 Can I save the results of a MOSFET run and come back later to reuse and continue the study?
Asked by Richard Kiehl Open 1
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