Illinois MATSE 280: Introduction to Engineering Materials

By Duane Douglas Johnson

Iowa State University (formerly University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)



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This course introduces you to the materials science and engineering of metals, ceramics, polymers, and electronic materials. Topics include: bonding, crystallography, imperfections, phase diagrams, properties and processing of materials. Case studies are used when appropriate to exemplify the lecture topics. Related courses are mostly focussed on Mechanical Behavior.


  1. To develop an awareness of materials and their properties that, as an engineer, you must rely on in the future.
  2. To introduce basic ideas, nomenclature, and testing of materials.
  3. To reveal relationships amongst   processing -> structure -> properties -> performance.
  4. To provide some background in Materials Science (structure - property relationships)
  5. To introduce Materials Engineering(designing set of properties based on these relationships).
  6. To develop ideas regarding materials selection and design.

Course website:

Note: these notes have been posted for early accessibility and will be updated during the Fall Semester of 2008 to include breezed presentations, relevant tools, relevant literature, and homework assignments.

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  • Duane Douglas Johnson (2008), "Illinois MATSE 280: Introduction to Engineering Materials,"

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Lecture Number/Topic Online Lecture Video Lecture Notes Supplemental Material Suggested Exercises
Illinois MatSE 280 Introduction to Engineering Materials, Lecture 1: Materials: Their Properties and Failures View Flash Notes (pdf)
Supplemental Handout
"Because without materials, there is no engineering" In this lecture we will discuss the following: - Units of Length - Six Major Classes of Materials - Periodic Table of Elements -...

Illinois MatSE 280 Introduction to Engineering Materials, Lecture 2: Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding View Flash Notes (pdf)
Periodic Table
Periodic Table
Refortify your chemistry - Atomic scale structures Goals Define basic concepts: Filling of Atomic Energy Levels: Pauli Exclusion Principle Atomic Orbitals (s-, p-, d-, and f- type...

Illinois MATSE 280 Introduction to Engineering Materials, Lecture 3 Part 1: Structure of Metals and Ceramics View Flash Notes (pdf)
Structures of Metals and Ceramics Goals Define basic terms and give examples of each: Lattice Basis Atoms (Decorations or Motifs) Crystal Structure ...

Illinois MATSE 280 Introduction to Engineering Materials, Lecture 3 Part 2: Structure of Ceramics View Flash Notes (pdf)
Structure of Ceramics Issues to Address... Structures of ceramic materials: How do they differ from that of metals? Define basic terms and give examples of each: Lattice ...

Illinois MATSE 280 Introduction to Engineering Materials, Lecture 3 Part 3: Crystallographic Points, Directions, and Planes View Flash Notes (pdf)
Crystallographic Points, Directions, and Planes Issues to Address... How to define points, directions, planes, as well as linear, planar, and volume densities Define basic terms and give...

Illinois MATSE 280 Introduction to Engineering Materials, Lecture 3 Part 4: Structures via Diffusion View Flash Notes (pdf)
Structures via Diffraction Goals Define basic ideas of diffraction (using x-ray, electrons, or neutrons, which, although they are particles, they can behave as waves) and show how to...

Illinois MATSE 280 Introduction to Engineering Materials, Lecture 4 : Polymer Structures View Flash Notes (pdf)
Issues to Address... What are the basic Classification? Monomers and chemical groups? Nomenclature? ...

Illinois MATSE 280 Introduction to Engineering Materials, Lecture 5 - Part 1 : Imperfections in Solids View Flash Notes (pdf)
Imperfections in Solids ISSUES TO ADDRESS... What types of defects arise in solids? Describe them Can the number and type of defects be varied and controlled? How do defects...

Illinois MATSE 280 Introduction to Engineering Materials, Lecture 5 - Part 2 : Line Defects, Dislocations and their Scale View Flash Notes (pdf)
Imperfections in Solids (Continue) Content: Line Defects: Dislocations and their Scale Line Defects: Dislocations Incremental Slip and Bond Breaking Edge Dislocations Exiting Crystal...

Illinois MATSE 280 Introduction to Engineering Materials, Lecture 6: Diffusion in Solids View Flash Notes (pdf)
Diffusion in Solids ISSUES TO ADDRESS... How does diffusion occur? How can the rate of diffusion be predicted forsome simple cases? How does diffusion depend on structure and...

Illinois MatSE 280 Introduction to Engineering Materials, Lecture 7: Mechanical Properties View Flash Notes (pdf)
Processing Examples
Mechanical Properties Why Mechanical Properties? Need to design materials that will withstand applied load and in-service uses for ... Space exploration, Bridges for autos and people,...

Illinois MatSE 280 Introduction to Engineering Materials, Lecture 9: Mechanical Failures View Flash Notes (pdf)
Mechanical Failure: temperature, stress, cyclic and loading effect ISSUES TO ADDRESS... How do cracks that lead to failure form? How is fracture resistance quantified? How do the fracture ...