Nanotechnology 101 Lecture Series

By Joseph M. Cychosz (editor)

Purdue Univeristy




Welcome to Nanotechnology 101 (nano101), a series of lectures designed to provide an undergraduate-level introduction to nanotechnology. In contrast, the Nanotechnology 501 series offers lectures directed at the graduate and professional level.

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  • Joseph M. Cychosz (2024), "Nanotechnology 101 Lecture Series,"

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In This Series

  1. CMOS Nanotechnology

    Online Presentations | 07 Jul 2004 | Contributor(s): Mark Lundstrom | 9730 users

    In non-specialist language, this talk introduces CMOS technology used for modern electronics. Beginning with an explanation of "CMOS," the speaker relates basic system considerations of transistor design and identifies future challenges for CMOS electronics. Anyone with an elementary...

  2. Transistors

    Online Presentations | 04 Aug 2004 | Contributor(s): Mark Lundstrom | 3304 users

    The transistor is the basic element of electronic systems. The integrated circuits inside today's personal computers, cell phones, PDA's, etc., contain hundreds of millions of transistors on a chip of silicon about 2 cm on a side. Each technology generation, engineers shrink the size of...

  3. Introduction to Nanometer Scale Science & Technology

    Online Presentations | 18 Jan 2005 | Contributor(s): Mark Hersam | 13294 users

    This seminar will provide an introductory overview for non-experts of the emerging field of nanometer scale science and technology. The following topics will be emphasized: (1) historical background and motivation for the study of nanometer scale phenomena; (2) strategies for controlling the...

  4. Moore's Law Forever?

    Online Presentations | 13 Jul 2005 | Contributor(s): Mark Lundstrom | 5716 users

    This talk covers the big technological changes in the 20th and 21st century that were correctly predicted by Gordon Moore in 1965. Moore's Law states that the number of transistors on a silicon chip doubles every technology generation. In 1960s terms that meant every 12 months and currently...

  5. Nanomaterials: Quantum Dots, Nanowires and Nanotubes

    Online Presentations | 15 Jul 2005 | Contributor(s): Timothy D. Sands | 15129 users

    What is a quantum dot? What is a nanowire? What is a nanotube? Why are these interesting and what are their potential applications? How are they made? This presentation is intended to begin to answer these questions while introducing some fundamental concepts such as wave-particle duality,...

  6. Quantum Dots

    Online Presentations | 21 Jul 2005 | Contributor(s): Gerhard Klimeck | 8786 users

    Quantum Dots are man-made artificial atoms that confine electrons to a small space. As such, they have atomic-like behavior and enable the study of quantum mechanical effects on a length scale that is around 100 times larger than the pure atomic scale. Quantum dots offer application...

  7. A Gentle Introduction to Nanotechnology and Nanoscience

    Online Presentations | 13 Feb 2006 | Contributor(s): Mark Ratner | 15657 users

    While the Greek root nano just means dwarf, the nanoscale has become a giant focus of contemporary science and technology. We will examine the fundamental issues underlying the excitement involved in nanoscale research - what, why and how. Specific topics include assembly, properties,...

  8. Nanoelectronics 101

    Online Presentations | 28 Aug 2006 | Contributor(s): Mark Lundstrom | 3724 users

    Semiconductor device technology has transformed our world with supercomputers, personal computers, cell phones, ipods, and much more that we now take for granted. Moore's Law, posited by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore in 1965, states that the number of transistors (the basic building blocks...

  9. Why is Nanotechnology Multidisciplinary? A perspective of one EE

    Online Presentations | 19 Oct 2006 | Contributor(s): Gerhard Klimeck | 5097 users

    The field of nano science and nano-technology covers broad areas of expertise. Classical fields of Physics, Chemistry, Material Science, Electrical/Mechanical/Chemical Engineering all are involved in the "new" field. Nano research and development is therefore multidisciplinary. This...

  10. Nanoscience at Work: Creating Energy from Sunlight

    Online Presentations | 13 Jun 2007 | Contributor(s): A. Paul Alivisatos | 1183 users

    Professor Paul Alivisatos introduces the Helios Project for the 2007 'Science at the Theater' series at Berkeley Repertory Theater in Berkeley, California. He discusses how Helios Project researchers use nanotechnology in the efficient capture of sunlight, and its conversion to electricity to...

  11. The Energy Problem: What the Helios Project Can Do About It

    Online Presentations | 13 Jun 2007 | Contributor(s): Steven Chu | 800 users

    Nobel Prize winner Steven Chu talks about the Helios Project for the 2007 'Science at the Theater' series at Berkeley Repertory Theater in Berkeley, California. He proposes an aggressive research program to transform the existing and future energy systems of the world away from technologies that...

  12. Scientific Ethics and the Signs of Voodoo Science

    Online Presentations | 24 Sep 2007 | Contributor(s): Andrew S. Hirsch | 1111 users

    Until recently, the issue of research ethics had not been a subject of explicit discussion within the Physics community. Over the past ten years, however, documented cases of scientific fraud have brought this issue to center stage. Looking at case studies, this talk explores examples ranging...

  13. Renewable Energy from Synthetic Biology

    Online Presentations | 25 Sep 2007 | Contributor(s): Jay D. Keasling | 953 users

    Jay Keasling, Co-Leader of The Helios Project, is the Director of the Physical Biosciences Division at Berkeley Lab, and a groundbreaking researcher in the new scientific field of synthetic biology. He is a UC Berkeley professor of Chemical and Bioengineering, and founder of Amyris...

  14. Some Physics for Proteins

    Online Presentations | 03 Jun 2008 | Contributor(s): Stephen M. Durbin | 801 users

  15. Nano*High: From Atoms to Electricity: An Introduction to Nuclear Power, Its Promise and Challenge

    Online Presentations | 02 Feb 2010 | Contributor(s): Brian D. Wirth | 621 users

    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Nano*High. Professor Brian Wirth from the UC Berkeley Dept. of Nuclear Engineering presents the basics of nuclear science, and discusses the technological challenges involved in generating nuclear power and dealing safely with the by-products.

  16. Nano*High: Superconductivity, Trains and SQUIDs

    Online Presentations | 02 Feb 2010 | Contributor(s): John Clarke | 677 users

    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Nano*High. Superconductivity is a unique phenomenon where the electric resistance of a material drops to zero. Until only a few decades ago, superconductivity was only observed at extremely low temperatures. Today however, a new class of exotic...

  17. Energy and Nanoscience A More Perfect Union

    Online Presentations | 29 Mar 2009 | Contributor(s): Mark Ratner | 1022 users

    Huge problems of energy and sustainability confront the science/engineering community, mankind, and our planet. The energy problem comes in many dimensions, including supply, demand, conservation, transportation, and storage. This overview will stress the nature of these problems, and offer a few...

  18. ECET 499N: Nanoelectronics

    Online Presentations | 30 Mar 2009 | Contributor(s): Supriyo Datta | 5780 users

    How does the resistance of a conductor change as we shrink its length all the way down to a few atoms? This is a question that has only become answerable during the last twenty years of work by experimentalists, leading to enormous progress in transistor development. This introductory lecture...

  19. Thermoelectric Nanotechnology

    Online Presentations | 27 Jul 2010 | Contributor(s): Mark Lundstrom | 1217 users

    his talk is an undergraduate level introduction to the field. After a brief discussion of applications, the physics of the Peltier effect is described, and the Figure of Merit (FOM), ZT, which controls the efficiency of a thermoelectric refrigerator or electric power generator, is discussed. The...

  20. The Secret Life of Electrons in High Temperature Superconductors

    Online Presentations | 19 Jun 2013 | Contributor(s): Erica W. Carlson | 662 users

  21. New Directions in MEMS for Wireless Harsh-Environment Sensors

    Online Presentations | 14 Aug 2013 | Contributor(s): Dimitrios Peroulis | 1189 users

  22. Non-Conjugated Radical Polymers as an Emerging Class of Transparent Conductors for Flexible Polymer Thermoelectric Applications

    Online Presentations | 21 Jul 2014 | Contributor(s): Bryan W. Boudouris | 1187 users

    Thermoelectric devices are capable of converting low-value waste heat energy into higher value electricity in a silent, direct manner and without the need for moving parts. As such, they present themselves as promising, environmentally-friendly energy conversion modules. Polymer-based...

  23. Quantum Dots: Artificial Atoms & Molecules in the Solid-State

    Online Presentations | 01 Aug 2014 | Contributor(s): Rajib Rahman | 1162 users

    In this lecture, I will describe how quantum dots are similar to atoms in the periodic table, with the exception that these artificial atoms can be engineered to suit the needs of various applications. Starting from the quantum mechanics of the Hydrogen atom, I will describe two simple models of...

  24. Implantable Networks of Wireless Nanoelectronic Devices

    Online Presentations | 20 Aug 2014 | Contributor(s): Pedro Irazoqui | 385 users

  25. Overview of Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM)

    Online Presentations | 10 Sep 2014 | Contributor(s): Ron Reifenberger | 563 users

    An introductory talk about scanning probe microscopes (SPMs) at the undergraduate level to explain what an SPM does and how it functions.

  26. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics

    Online Presentations | 21 Apr 2015 | Contributor(s): Alejandro Strachan | 291 users

    This short presentation will describe the idea behind MD simulations and demonstrate its use in real applications.

  27. Single Molecule Imaging in Live Cells

    Online Presentations | 28 Aug 2015 | Contributor(s): Kenneth Ritchie | 510 users

    Bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and Caulobacter crescentus, are the most studied and perhaps best-understood organisms in biology. The advances in understanding of living systems gained from these organisms are immense....

  28. Low Temperature Plasmas: A Foundation for Future Technologies

    Online Presentations | 28 Aug 2015 | Contributor(s): Sergey Macheret | 807 users

  29. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics

    Online Presentations | 11 Sep 2015 | Contributor(s): Alejandro Strachan | 356 users

  30. Surprising Nanophotonic Phenomena in Nature and Photonic Modeling with S4

    Online Presentations | 17 Aug 2016 | Contributor(s): Peter Bermel | 257 users

    I will show how S4sim, a transfer matrix-based optical simulation tool available on can be used to precisely calculate these behaviors. A few exciting real-world applications of this work will also be briefly discussed.