Electron Density in a Nanowire

By Gerhard Klimeck1; Saumitra Raj Mehrotra1

1. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN



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Electron Density in a Nanowire Electron Density in a circular Silicon nanowire transistor. The left and the right regions on the image represent the large electron densities in the source and drain of the transistor. The central section represents the gated region that enables the control of the electron flow through the nano-scale on-off switch.

Continued down-scaling of transistors have enabled the tremendous advances in consumer electronics. We are reaching the limits where the individual transistors or on-off electron valves are only a few nanometers in diameters wide. At these atomic length scales the electrons do no longer act like billiard balls but like waves. Sophisticated modeling engines that consider a quantum mechanical description of the electrons, an atomistic description of the material, and non-equilibrium electron distributions are needed for device design and optimization.

The "Nanowire" tool on nanoHUB.org enables such device modeling and enables the visualization of the electron density in such ultra-scaled structures through 3D volume rendering.



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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Gerhard Klimeck, Saumitra Raj Mehrotra (2011), "Electron Density in a Nanowire," https://nanohub.org/resources/10666.

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