Tutorial 4: Far-From-Equilibrium Quantum Transport

By Gerhard Klimeck

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN



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At the nanometer scale, the concepts of device and material meet, and a new device is a new material and vice versa. While atomistic device representations are novel to device physicists, the semiconductor materials modeling community usually treats infinitely periodic structures. The importance of the appropriate basis set representation that needs to be selected to cover the important physics of semiconductor devices will become evident. These two lectures will not focus on the underlying theories; they will focus on the application of the theories using the nanoelectronic modeling tools NEMO 1- D, NEMO 3-D, and OMEN to realistically extended devices. Topics to be covered are realistic resonant tunneling diodes, quantum dots, nanowires, and Ultra-Thin-Body Transistors.


Gerhard Klimeck Dr. Gerhard Klimeck is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University and serves as the Associate Director for Technologies of the National Science Foundation Network for Computational Nanotechnology since Dec. 2003. For the NCN he has been directing the replacement of web-form driven online simulation on www.nanoHUB.org by fully interactive simulations. The change in technology resulted in a six-fold growth of simulation user numbers in just over 2 years to over 5,900 annual users. His research interest is in the quantum mechanical modeling of electron transport through nanoelectronic devices, parallel computing, and genetic algorithms. This interest drove the development of NEMO 1-D and NEMO3-D. Dr. Klimeck received his Ph.D. in 1994 from Purdue University and his German electrical engineering degree in 1990 from Ruhr-University Bochum.


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“Electronics from the Bottom Up” is an educational initiative designed to bring a new perspective to the field of nano device engineering. It is co-sponsored by the Intel Foundation and the Network for Computational Nanotechnology.

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Gerhard Klimeck (2011), "Tutorial 4: Far-From-Equilibrium Quantum Transport," https://nanohub.org/resources/11042.

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MSEE B012, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN


Lecture Number/Topic Online Lecture Video Lecture Notes Supplemental Material Suggested Exercises
Tutorial 4a: High Bias Quantum Transport in Resonant Tunneling Diodes View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
Tutorial 4b: Introduction to the NEMO3D Tool - Electronic Structure and Transport in 3D View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
Electronic Structure and Transport in 3D - Quantum Dots, Nanowires and Ultra-Thin Body Transistors

Tutorial 4c: Formation of Bandstructure in Finite Superlattices (Exercise Session) View on YouTube View Notes (pdf)
How does bandstructure occur? How large does a repeated system have to be? How does a finite superlattice compare to an infinite superlattice?

Tutorial 4d: Formation of Bandstructure in Finite Superlattices (Exercise Demo) View on YouTube View
Demonstration of the Piece-Wise Constant Potential Barriers Tool.